Reiki Healing for South Jersey

Working with angels to provide love and support.

What is Reiki Healing?

Journey into the world of Reiki Healing, a timeless holistic therapy rooted in ancient Japanese traditions. Reiki, which translates to “universal life energy,” channels the unseen force of energy that flows through every living being. Through gentle hand placements either on or near the body, a Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit for this powerful life force, facilitating balance, healing, and harmony.

Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, emotional release, or physical healing, Reiki addresses the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being. Let yourself be immersed in this tranquil practice, where the body’s innate ability to heal is awakened, energies are rebalanced, and a deep sense of peace is achieved. Explore Reiki Healing — where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness.

Welcome to AngelBridge Healing, and thank you for taking the time to connect with me. AngelBridge Healing was created due to my deep love of angels, the angelic realm, and desire to share Reiki and its energetic healing throughout South Jersey.

My journey began many years ago when a miracle occurred in my life. This eventually led to the study of Reiki, and during this class I immediately knew that Reiki was what I was called to do and how I could further help others. Since that time, I became certified in Reiki II and then became a Reiki Master. In addition to Reiki, I am also certified in IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) and Metatron Healing. All of these energetic healing modalities work hand-in-hand to support the individual on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Reiki helps to release blocked energy within the seven main chakras in our body. When Reiki moves through the chakras, stagnant energy moves out so that energy can be free-flowing. Reiki will be helpful in supporting the overall well-being of an individual with its gentle, relaxing, and restorative powers.

In the summer of 1976, I was on a bike ride with friends. As we were coasting downhill, I hit a pothole. Upon impact, I was thrown over the handlebars and hit a telephone pole head-on. I was rushed unconscious to the hospital by ambulance and remained in a coma for over one week. During the time I was in this state, my parents, siblings, and numerous family and friends were praying for me. There was one particular person, though, who prayed for me. She was a long-time friend of our family, who always had a deep faith and love of Jesus, Mother Mary, and angels and saints. While I was hospitalized, this amazing person pinned a St. John Neumann medal and Blessed Mother’s scapular to my pillow, and she stood by my bedside and spoke to me as though I was well, surrounding me with love and positive thoughts.

The doctors’ prognosis determined a blood clot on the brain. Although I had a 50/50 chance of recovering, they were not sure what my cognitive condition would be. As I remained in a coma and was not improving, it was decided that the blood clot had to be surgically removed to alleviate the pressure on the brain.

However, less than an hour before the operation, I became irritated by the sound of crying babies. (I did not know that I was on the pediatric floor of a hospital; I only knew I heard babies crying.) I remember expressing that they needed to stop crying, to which a nurse replied that they were just babies and did not know what they were doing. While my dad was praying in the chapel, my mother was in the room observing me. She questioned me if I knew what had just occurred, and I replied that I was telling the babies to stop crying because they were disturbing me. Mom then asked me a few questions, and I was able to answer everything clearly. At this point, she asked for the surgeon to examine me. He then asked me various questions (name, birth date, the last three presidents, etc.), and I answered everything without any hesitation. The surgeon decided not to do the surgery and ordered a CT scan. The scan showed that the blood clot had fully dissolved! In addition, after a thorough examination, the doctors announced that they had no way to describe what happened other than it was a miracle. Praise God! I was released from the hospital several days later, including follow-up appointments with the neurosurgeon, who confirmed that there was no brain injury and to go and live my life.

In 2022, I visited a medium/shaman, and I did not disclose any information about myself prior to this meeting. She questioned me about the “injuries” that I had sustained when I was a young girl, and she then went on to say that someone in particular was responsible for the miracle. I immediately knew who it was: Marcella Chambers, our family friend, and my Earth Angel. To say that I am thankful for her love, prayers, and petition to God for my well-being is an understatement. I will forever be grateful to Marcella for her role in the miraculous healing that took place in my life.

I have always believed in the power of prayer. I have deep faith and unconditional love for angels who are here to assist us. I am grateful for the meeting I had with the shaman, as it was this meeting that helped me see the connection of my accident, the miraculous healing, and my desire to work with the angelic realm to assist people. Now older and wiser, I was blessed with a second chance in life, and it is my mission to help people heal.

If you cannot make it in person, remote sessions are an option to ensure that distance is not a barrier to your healing journey. For more details about individual or group healing sessions, or to schedule an appointment, please contact me. I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Your transformative healing journey will be comprised of myself and loving angels and guides. Together, we aim to surround you with spiritual love and support throughout your session.

What to Expect:

  • Each session lasts approximately 1 hour.

  • Dress comfortably to ensure a relaxing experience.

  • We will begin with a conversation about your intentions and what you are hoping to gain from the session.

  • As you unwind on a massage table, I will channel energy through my hands and place them gently over each of your chakras, starting from the crown and moving down to the root. Feel the warmth from the Source energy as it flows into you, harmonizing your spirit.

  • Conclude your session with the serene vibrations of crystal bowl sound healing, further elevating your sense of peace and balance.

  • Lisa Peterson

    I was one of Dianne’s first clients, a "practice soul" if you will. Since those early sessions, Reiki with Dianne has become a part of my self-care that I never expected and one that I am SO grateful for. Dianne's gift is ever present. Her abilities to bring forth the peace we seek makes sessions with her priceless, and it's an experience I treasure. The angels are here for us all, and Dianne is the loving and caring messenger of those angels.

  • Emily S

    Dianne is a truly gifted healer. I've had multiple reiki and healing sessions before but none of them quite compare to my sessions with Dianne. First off, her warmth, loving energy, and compassion shine through in every interaction I have with her. She genuinely cares about you and seeks to support you with where you are on your journey, without judgment. During my sessions with Dianne, I feel extremely relaxed, comfortable, and at peace. Each reiki experience is unique and I always leave feeling emotionally lighter, mentally clearer, and more at ease! Dianne is very spiritually connected and I love that she weaves in elements of the divine into her sessions, which makes the experience feel even more wholesome and connected. If you're looking for a caring and compassionate healer who can truly help make a difference in your life, look no further than booking with Dianne.

  • Linda Erin Elliott

    Dianne’s passion for energy healing, particularly Reiki, has always inspired me. Her long-standing devotion to expanding her holistic healing skills, while weaving them into her life experiences, is a marvel to behold. She is a beautiful practitioner, holding space for others with her heart wide open. However, what’s even more impressive is her essence as a person specifically - compassion she emits in the day-to-day, especially in the quieter moments of life. Her kindness, warmth, integrity, and dedication to helping others set her apart. I feel blessed to know her, and I think you will feel the same.

  • Tina Holmes

    My first session with Dianne has absolutely changed my life since. If you want your life to change in miraculous ways, then you want to book a healing session with Dianne and her Divine team! They are here to heal the world one person at a time. I have seen mountains move in such a way I never thought possible after my first session, and I can’t wait to go back! Her environment is warm and inviting and really puts you in a place of ease and comfortability. This is a safe place for you to put down your heavy burdens and let the angels and Dianne do their magic. I am very excited to see just how much more I can grow and heal with the help of this wonderful team. You will feel loved and peaceful as you leave. You will be ready to move mountains in your life after a visit with Dianne and you will truly see how your life will improve. Do yourself a huge favor and please go see her. You won’t regret it and I bet you will leave wanting more--more healing and more love and light brought into your life by a few simple touches from someone who cares.

  • Nick S

    Dianne has a gift. Reiki with her is relaxing and rewarding. I will be coming back.

  • Sean Remington

    The first time I had a Reiki session with Dianne I had no idea what to expect. But after the first session I realized this is something I needed in my life. When I feel stressed and anxious I go to Dianne for Reiki because it is the reset my body needs. My body does not feel tense, my head is clear, and I feel good about myself after every session. Dianne's presence and skills are something special. I highly recommend that everyone experience it for themselves.

  • Debbie Donaldson

    Well, needless to say it was truly one of the best things I’ve ever experienced and I highly suggest it for anyone who is seeking calmness, relaxation and inner healing. It’s absolutely amazing what a session alone can do for you. I call Reiki a “massage of the mind” and Dianne Snyder is fabulous in doing just that! Her Reiki room provides a relaxing atmosphere with soothing music and light, beautiful aroma and her healing hands and voice are “angelic”. She is so gifted in helping you disconnect and in making you feel nothing but safe, completely relaxed and loved with her soft spiritual words. I highly recommend going to Dianne to try out this wonderful Reiki experience - as she clearly knows exactly how to transform you into a pure and peaceful state of mind. So worth it!!